
In first visit to Penang, Jane Goodall says it is not too late to save our planet | Malay Mail

Jane Goodall in Malaysia: The next time you see a cute baby monkey and think how you’d like to have one as a pet, think again!

In first visit to Penang, Jane Goodall says it is not too late to save our planet | Malay Mail

GEORGE TOWN, Nov 24 — The next time you see a cute baby monkey and think how you’d like to have one as a pet, think again. World-renowned primatologist Jane Goodall has equated this to forcibly taking human babies away from their families. “I am shocked to learn that in Malaysia, you can…


Geschrieben von Bruno Manser Fonds

Der Bruno Manser Fonds steht für Fairness im Tropenwald: Wir engagieren uns für den Erhalt der bedrohten tropischen Regenwälder mit ihrer Artenvielfalt und setzen uns insbesondere für die Rechte der Regenwaldbevölkerung ein.

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